Custom Operator Details

Smith Custom Farming
Contact: Bill Smith or Jamie SmithPhone: 608-206-6390Cell Phone: 608-482-0745Email: smithcustomfarming@yahoo.comLocation (Closest town to center of operational area): Darlington, WIService Area (Miles from home): 100Tillage: Primary, Finish, Chisel, Disk, SubsoilPlanting: Row Conventional, No-till, 15" Planter, 30" Planter, Corn, SoybeansHaylage: Mow/Condition, Merge, Chopper (SP), Trucks, Wagons, Packing, BaggingCorn Silage: Chopper (SP), Row Independent Head, Trucks, Wagons, PackingCombines: Rotary, Corn, Beans, Small Grains, Trucks, Grain Cart