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WCO Member Directory

The Wisconsin Custom Operators is an organization comprised of individuals throughout the state who derive their income in whole or part from providing custom farming services. These services include: forage harvesting (alfalfa and corn silage), forage bagging, baling, tillage, planting, combining, trucking, manure handling, spraying, among other services.

Custom Operator Details

Woldt Farms LLC

Contact: Daryl Woldt
Phone: 920-371-7737
Fax: 920-864-7333
Cell Phone: 920-371-7737
Email: daryl@woldtfarms.com
Location (Closest town to center of operational area): Brillion, WI
Service Area (Miles from home): 100
Haylage: Mow/Condition, Merge, Chopper (SP), Trucks, Packing
Corn Silage: Chopper (SP), Kernal Processor, Conventional Head, Trucks, Packing
Bagging: Pull-Type, Plastic
Manure: Trucks, Injection, Hoseline, Pumps, Agitators, Lagoon boat


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